Fawcett, James T., 1935-'s books list

No.TitlePublish Year
1.Psychological research on family size and family planning in the United States1974
2.The value of children : theory and method1973
3.The value and cost of children : converging theory and research1979
4.The role of surveys in the study of international migration appraisal1989
5.Psychological determinants of nuptiality1973
6.Modernization, individual modernity, and fertility1973
7.Psychology and population1970
8.Psychology & population : behavioral research issues in fertility and family planning1970
9.The Value of Children and the transition to Parenthood / James T. Fawcett1989
10.Asian immigrant entrepreneurs and non-Entrepreneurs : A Comparative study of recent Korean and Filipino immigrants / by James T. Fawcett and Robeyt W. Gardner.1994
11.The value and cost of the first child1978
12.Psychologie et population : sujets de recherche sur le comportement en matiere de ficondite et de planification de la famille1970
13.Summary of Workshop Discussions and Conclusions, the Satisfactions and Costs of Children: Theories, Consepts, Methods1972
14.Perceptions of the value of children : satisfaction and costs1983
15.The Value of Children among Ethnic Groups in Hawaii: Exploratory Measurements, the Satisfactions and Costs of Children: Theories, Concepts, Method1972
16.The value and cost of the first child1978
17.The role of surverys in the study of international migration : an appraisal1987
18.Diffusion of Family Planning Information by Word of Mouth Communication1966
19.Singapore : rapid fertility transition in a compact society1980